I can't unsee "Captain Tiny Arm" and his baby sidekick "Mega Hand" is the caption of this funny meme. An optical illusion, but spot on caption! Defending the innocent. Does…
Watch the horse with a rubber chicken video here. This was a viral video on youtube years ago, and this example is from a news site. What wholesome fun! the…
Redneck crystal for the big shin-dig, like a wedding, or mama's 100th birthday. Nothing better than sipping a Pabst or a Budweiser from the good stuff. Them high falutin city folks…
Image of the inside of a guitar, captioned The inside of this guitar looks like an apartment I can't afford. A guitar apartment, intriguing idea to be sure! Bartesian Cocktail…
Work meme where you have neither time nor crayons let alone energy to explain something. More precisely, I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.…
You know the obsessed girlfriend memes. This is the obsessed girlfriend cat, or maybe it's her cat. She says, I destroyed your other gifts because I'm the only one you…
Cottage Cheesesicles? I'm going to go out on a limb and say this would be for white people only, and, well, no. However, if there were flakes of Doritos spicy…
Have you seen the price of meat? One way to get cheaper meat is this, basically Soylent Green without the biscuits. That or eat vegans. After all, they are grain…
Those Dog Ears Those dog ears meme, his favorite frequency is 50,000 Hz. Bet you've never heard it before. I'm always amazed at the acuity of my dogs hearing! They…
Things will get back to normal in 2025 they said with hope and conviction. But are they? As this images shows, from Planet of the Apes, Taylor kissing Zera, nope,…
Caution Naming Kids - Funny tweet says take caution naming your kids, Please please spell their name backwards too, sincerely Marlana. I can see the prudence. Does baby wobble like…
Ok, it's a real website posing as a redneck dating service. Looks to be for phishing, so don't go to cousinsonly.com. Funny redneck picture though. In theory rednecks could find…
Canadian riots meme image shows that Canadians are just...different. the most polite riots n the world. What a difference to us here! They riot by stocking shelves I bet. Get…
This funny internet guide nerd image says, Welcome to the Internet, I will be your guide. Nerdy kid dressed sort of like a Mongolian dress. Back in the day this…
S3x face - Everyone has it, a funny animal faces with two lions, unclear if they are engaging or not, but the image serves it's purpose. Caught Flagrante Delicto, these…