I really don't think I need to tell you why this is a Christmas fail, unless, of course, your culture celebrates giant burning inflatable Santa's! This fail, which is actually a…
The Turkey Hooker, it is not what you think. Or, maybe it is. anyway, the manufacturer capitalized on the name too, with a preening turkey on the package. Turkey Chicken…
Big Nuts Big Nuts candy bar, the bold candy with the poorly thought out name than made it a funny product fail. Unless you adore big nuts, that is. You…
Booboos candy, gummy candy made to look like bandages, blood spot and all. This is so wrong, in a fetish way, that I can't even. How the heck did THIS…
Funny fail product, the Cockroach Clusters Candy Fail. Whomever came up with this idea in the boardroom should be fired. Of course you never know what may be a hit…
If ever there was a mustache fail, this is it. Wft are you thinking?!? You know, even with a regular mustache, or whatever preceded this abomination, this guy isn't a…
Hello, Yeo's, what flavor do you have? I'm sorry, what was that again? Crap flavor? Surely you mean carp, but why even that? Right, so it that a descriptive of…
Who doesn't love the taste of milk? Me. Who loves Lay's chips? Also me, but this is just too far, new Lay's Sour Milk flavor chips. You thought Coca Cola…