husband caught twerking image

Kooky Husband Caught Twerking

Husband caught twerking! Seriously man, you ought not be doing that. Ever. For any reason. I'm surprised she kept you around, but I'm guessing, and mind you, only a guess,…
Magic Coffee Table image

The Funny Magic Coffee Table

The mystical magic coffee table, astounding him, annoying her, is a classic sketch highlighting the dumb male of the species. He takes it for granted, but all along it is…
Funny Star Trek Miley Cyrus video image

Star Trek Miley Cyrus Video

This is the infamous Star Trek Miley Cyrus video where the USS enterprise crew encounters a strange new world where a thing called a Miley Cyrus is performing. Unable to…
Facebook Etiquette

Facebook Etiquette Education

Facebook Etiquette Check out this hysterical gem from Your Tango, Facebook Etiquette. There are a good many people who needs to watch this besides the humor in it. Share it,…
creepy dancing baby video

Creepy Dancing Baby Video

See, this is why you don't let people roam willy nilly collecting skin suits for no good reason. They become a creepy dancing baby. This must be controlled, taxed and…
Miley Cyrus Twerkey Twerking Turkey video image

Miley Cyrus Twerkey Twerking Turkey

A naked turkey twerking, a naked Miley Cyrus twerking, which is more repulsive? I dunno, but here is Miley Cyrus Twerking Turkey. Miley Cyrus Twerkey in yo face. Meat Thermometer…