Funny picture of a redneck food truck
Redneck food truck

Because Redneck Food Truck

This could only be a redneck food truck. Looking at the back window of the truck it is likely photoshopped, but if it’s not then that can only mean one thing. Redneck! What does Because Redneck mean? It’s when the scope and breadth of the English language isn’t enough to explain the inexplicable regarding rednecks, there just are no words. Except because redneck.

Because redneck means that there simply is no other viable explanation. Example, why are they doing that? I dunno. Because redneck?

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Here’s our Redneck Nachos!!! #screammovie #rednecknachos #pulledpork #macncheese #bbq #voiceover #fairs #festival #foodtruck #fyp #tiktok

♬ This Is How We Do It – Montell Jordan

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