Now that is a redneck party limo! Whee doggies, would you look at that, Jethro! It's parked out in front of the 7-11, so obviously they're stocking up on tater…
Redneck Underwear Shirt? or is it a sports Bra? Tank top? It started life as redneck underwear for sure, but then something weird happened to this underwear! What the hell…
Redneck Ick This is a funny redneck photo, and an icky picture too. Redneck Ick is picture of a redneck with a nascar driver's number shaved into his back hair. Now,…
Redneck grill 2, the second image we have of a makeshift redneck grill. This one is a grate held over an aluminum pan filled with briquettes by 4 Miller Lite…
Funny product or translation fail? Why drink regular penis wine when you could drink magical what wine? Are you a barbarian? I'll pass. But while that is on your mind…
Redneck Security System I can't imagine a more effective redneck security system than this. Of course the dogs wouldn't always stay there, so that entrance wouldn't always secure, and besides,…
This is a Redneck Thanksgiving. Good golly, it looks so realistic, right down to the wife beaters and cigarette at the dinner table! In a Norman Rockwell style, this picture…
Small redneck houseboats. Yep, What did you think you'd get, something nice and modern? Cabin cruiser? A Yacht? Nope, Most rednecks are a practical bunch, usually by necessity, and this…
Excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon? I like this stuff on some things, but usually I stick with the tried and true yellow mustard. But an ape asking…