Redneck grill image
Redneck grill image

Redneck grill 2 – Functions too!

Redneck Grill 2

Redneck grill 2, the second image we have of a makeshift redneck grill. This one is a grate held over an aluminum pan filled with briquettes by 4 Miller Lite cans. I hope the beer cans are empty, as it could get awkward when it comes time to slake one’s thirst. This is inventive, can me put together anywhere, and who but a redneck would or could come up with it, I ask you? It may not be the ideal solution, especially for tailgating, someone would eventually step in it or knock it over, and this would be a hazard in the back of ones pickup truck bed, but out in the woods? Cooking a couple fresh caught trout? No problemo.

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Maîtredugrill, redneckbbq, #fun #meatlovers

♬ Les guimauves – Bob Bissonnette

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