Eating salads like this is why I'm so healthy! I eat salad every day, a burger salad, a taco salad, even a pizza salad! Go me! It's all about perspective,…
Well, you did ask for their 10-20, and you know this was a possibility, the corner of Inyo Butte. To be fair, butte is pronounced "beaut" but I did not…
I find the generational battles really funny. The Zoomers vs the Millennials vs the Xers vs the Boomers. This image is true, however, boomers on boomers. They seem to have…
Well, we all knew this de-evolution of mankind would lead here, can we admit that? Twerking Santa toy at Walmart? So much to unpack here. Twerking. Walmart. Ugh. Well, if…
Keith Richards aging, seems to me an oxymoronic combination of three words. This guy is like the Twilight Zone episode, Long Live Walter Jameson, Keith doesn't age. Cuisinart Soft Serve…
iPads for everything was once quite the deal. Now if you're taking iPad pictures, you look like a dufus from the 1920's, what with the big 'ol over sized camera.…
Christmas Poop Tasting with Elf on the Shelf shows him with various, erm, droppings. Elf, fairy, sponge bob poop all ready for you to partake. Of course the freakish elf…
Welcome everyone! This is Weekly Blonde Jokes 7. That's seven straight weeks since we resumed the jokes. Now, writing this like a decade later, we still are around. stuff, and…
Ah yes, even blondes celebrate Valentines Day, so of course there's a blonde Valentines meme. Of course for blondes most any day is a day of love. Say, how do…
Sharknado, a stupid concept that people watched, but this, coming October 2025 is scarier. flying sharks, sharks with wings, this would be great! Hey, the 2020's are weird so why…
Annoying political posts - Oh, my political posts are annoying you? Sorry, I assumed the future of humanity was worth discussing. By all means, post another picture of your meal.…
We Love Independence. Funny Thomas Jefferson image for fourth of July, I gave them bitches independence, bitches love independence. Why, yes sir, we do. Yet, we are not free enough.…
Great sweater, unless, of course, it's not a pull over sweater but a skin suit made of what is actually left of your roommate, then, yeah, not so much. I'm actually…
The creepy best man, as seen in the background, always neat, always alert. Yeah, he is creepy. Maybe it's just the facial hair. Nope, not the eyes either. He's a…
Funny fighting pumpkin Come At Me Bro image, the savage pumpkin has won at least one serious bout, holding up the skull of a foe. The warrior pumpkin proves his…