Because Weird Rocks image with a weird sponge bob

Because Weird Rocks New Normal

Because weird rocks Yes, weird is the new normal, because weird rocks, and this with Sponge Bob only reenforces that notion. When you first meet, act proper until you can…
Funny some guy discovered milk image with leslie nielson

Some guy discovered milk then what?

At some point in history, some guy discovered milk. Animal milk, that is. Maybe he, or she, watched babies nursing, then animals nursing and thought, heck, why not? However, then…
Funny Always Wear Pajamas to Bed post with nekkid man coming down the fire ladder

Always Wear Pajamas to Bed

Always Wear Pajamas! I used to be that guy, nekkid in the sheets. Summer, winter, whatever. Then one day I realized, Always wear pajamas. What if the house caught fire?…
Willie Nelson looking normal in the midst of the muppets image

Willie Nelson Looking Normal – Almost

Willie Nelson Looking Normal Only in this setting is Willie Nelson looking normal. I mean, totally. And that setting? Sesame Street, of course. Bert, Earnie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch,…