six pack or keg image

You want a six pack or keg?

Six pack or keg Six pack or keg? Picture of a beer belly asks, why go for a six pack when you can have a keg? Well, how does one…
Chuck Norris Checkmate imag

Chuck Norris Checkmate

Chuck Norris Checkmate You don't mess with board games or the mat, or in the streets when it comes to Chuck. Here you see a Chuck Norris checkmate and no…
Grammar Nazi to change a lightbulb image

Grammar Nazi Changing Lightbulbs

Grammar Nazi Changing Lightbubs The grammar nazi meme itself is incorrect. How many grammar nazis does it take to change a lightbulb is correct. The correction, too, is incorrect. Exciting…
overly attached girlfriend image chloroform sniff this meme

Sniff This – Smell of Chloroform?

Sniff This Would you sniff this? Just a quick whiff. Smell this, dammit! Does this smell like chloroform? Perfect look for the caption, or perfect caption for the look, the overly…
Funny Names Charity Beaver image

Funny Names Charity Beaver

Funny Names Charity Beaver Welp, I suppose this was bound to happen with a last name like beaver. Leave it to Beaver. Charity Beaver. Can't think of too many more,…