funny blonde joke image hears a blonde joke and pretends to understand

Weekly Blonde Jokes 7 from the past

Welcome everyone! This is Weekly Blonde Jokes 7. That's seven straight weeks since we resumed the jokes. Now, writing this like a decade later, we still are around. stuff, and…
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Blonde Jokes Weekly Eleven

We thought we'd take today off since it's President's day, but after thinking it over it is still Monday, and that's always a drag, so we're putting out (giggity) anyway…
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Blonde Jokes Weekly 12 Page

Welcome to the Blonde Jokes Weekly 12 page. This is the completion of 3 months of weekly blonde jokes, which are posted every Monday. We all know how much Mondays blow,…
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Weekly Blonde Jokes Issue 3

Here's weekly blonde jokes issue 3. We feel it's better to start a Monday off with a smile rather than a scowl, so hopefully this does the trick. work less,…