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Good Husband Joke – At the Gym

The good husband: Several men were in the locker room of the local gym when a cell phone on the bench started ringing, and a man put it on speaker…
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Office Jokes – Maybe NSFW

Office Jokes In this we bring you the first re-posting from our OFA, or Office Jokes Archives in lay terms. These have added items after having been stored in our servers…
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Blonde Jokes Weekly Eleven

Blonde Jokes Weekly We thought we'd take today off since it's President's day, but after thinking it over it is still Monday, and that's always a drag, so we're putting…
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Blonde Jokes Weekly 12 Page

Blonde Jokes Weekly 12 Welcome to the Blonde Jokes Weekly 12 page. This is the completion of 3 months of weekly blonde jokes, which are posted every Monday. We all know…
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Weekly Blonde Jokes Issue 3

Weekly Blonde Jokes Issue 3 Here's weekly blonde jokes issue 3. We feel it's better to start a Monday off with a smile rather than a scowl, so hopefully this…
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Six Random R Rated Jokes

Random R Rated Jokes In our archives we have hundreds of random R rated jokes accumulated over the years, so rather than leave them there where nobody can see them,…