I Do Need Sunterday! If congress was doing anything, they would consider adding a day between Saturday and Sunday. Sunterday. They gets loads of time off, why shouldn't we? Exciting…
3 Day Weekend That moment you realize it's a 3 day weekend, wah hoo! Shoot, all weekends are great. When I become president I vow, weeks will go Monday, Saturday…
Saturday Wake Up: The Struggle is Real Picture this: Saturday wake up - It’s Saturday morning. You’re in bed, blissfully unaware of time, when suddenly, the faint sound of your…
Another Glamorous Saturday Night My glamorous Saturday night to a T. I don't want to make you jealous of my glamorous lifestyle, but I'm doing laundry this Saturday night. As…
Saturday Night Live Was Funny Remember when Saturday night live was funny, and not just social justice propaganda? Pepperidge Farm remembers. So do I, it was magical and cutting edge.…
I'm so old I remember when Saturday Night Live was funny. And then it wasn't. there was a time when the show was the epitome of comedy on television. It…
What are your Saturday Night Plans? Like this cat image, when people ask me if I have Saturday night plans the answer is no, I know I'm staying in comfortable…
Happy Saturday to All From one cool dog, pipe in mouth and shiny shades, Happy Saturday to All, may your beer be cold and your bowl be full. Woof. Oh,…
Many ways to celebrate the end of a stupid work week or school week, and one is to post this meme on your social media, It's Friday Madarfacars! May your…