Funny and Useful Employee Recognition Award Ideas Once a week we have an informal "employee recognition" thing at my day job, and it's usually for the most inane stuff. These…
Redneck Wedding - or Weddin I'm not convinced this is a true redneck wedding. Every one has clothes on. No PBR. Yeah, no. But they have lots of pew pews.…
Mondays at work - One day on the planet Mercury lasts 1408 hours, approximately. This is the same as one Monday on Earth. Then Saturday and Sunday seem to speed…
She got them Summer Teeth Yep, she got them summer teeth yo, summer here, summer missing. she don't always meet to whistle her S's, sometimes it just come natural. Miss…
Septic Truck Sign Septic Milk This funny sign is on the back of a septic company truck, it says Carter & Sons - We haul milk on weekends. Septic milk,…
Three Day Weekend Funny Me leaving work for a three day weekend, run like a monster is chasing you, like this girl! Run Forrest, run! Too bad you can't outrun…
Funny summer baby image has little girl on a floaty with sunglasses on in the pool asking, Are you ready for summer? She askes back, Bitch, is summer ready for…
Redneck Horseshoes You know, if you told me that redneck horseshoes was rampant, that is, rednecks using toilet seats to play horseshoes with, I would have looked you square in…
Funny Names - Willie Stroker This is a funny name, Willie Stroker. Not sure what would possess one to bot go with Bill, Will, or William, unless it's, you know,…
Muahaha License Plate Anyone else notice people cutting others off in traffic WAY more these days? Anyway, this offender has a Muahaha License Plate, guess that says it all, or…