Eggnog – love it or be wrong

Eggnog – love it or be wrong I love eggnog, but some of you don’t. Well, you’re wrong. Simple as that. But let me elborate: I don’t drink it with…

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Facebook Etiquette Education

Facebook Etiquette Check out this hysterical gem from Your Tango, Facebook Etiquette. There are a good many people who needs to watch this besides the humor in it. Share it,…

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Done With The Bilbos?

Done With The Bilbos? Done with the bilbos? Cartoon of Santa, “Great! Dave finished all of his Gandolf dolls! Hey, Danny, how you coming along with the Bilbos? Well, Danny’s…

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Emo Llama looks like todays kids

Emo Llama Emo Llama – funny image says, mom, I really just need to focus on my art right now. Why do most kids look like llamas and alpacas these…

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Bust-A-Nut Funny Product Name

Bust-A-Nut Funny Product Name I have to admit, I’m surprised I have never heard of a rapper names Busta Nut, but this is Bust-A-Nut, a funny product name for a…

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