Lame Covid Masks Covid masks were to dumb, How dumb were they? Glad you asked. When you look at masks for virtually anything else you realize just how lame covid…
Scary Moose will you do the fan dangle Freddie didn't sing that - poking fun at Bohemian Rhapsody lyric Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the fandango as scary moose will…
Back to Work After Being Off This is how it is, back to work after being off, sick, vacation, whatever. This monkey, staring at a flower, lost in thought. Only…
Open Bag of Idiots Go anywhere today and you'll find what can only be described as an open bag of idiots every square mile. However, wouldn't it be great if…
Peppa Pig Jigsaw Puzzle If this isn't a real thing, it needs to be. The Peppa Pig jigsaw puzzle, while messy to work with, is also delicious on salads. See…
She got them Summer Teeth Yep, she got them summer teeth yo, summer here, summer missing. she don't always meet to whistle her S's, sometimes it just come natural. Miss…
Three Day Weekend Funny Me leaving work for a three day weekend, run like a monster is chasing you, like this girl! Run Forrest, run! Too bad you can't outrun…