Valentines day funny patrick the starfish image says i'd love you even if you were so ugly everyone died

Valentines Day Patrick Starfish

Awwww, Valentines Day Patrick is so....thoughtful. Maybe not the sharpest, tool in the shed, and he certainly lack eloquence, but hey, he's a frigging starfish, so yeah. They aren't known…
funny happy new year dwight image

Happy New Year to Dwight

Happy new year Dwight, you pain in the butt. Such a simple term to return, Dwight replies Wrong, the happiness of the upcoming year has yet to be determined. Party…
Happy valentines corporate holiday meme

Corporate Valentines Day for Greed

Happy corporate Valentines day image says, so you think Valentines day is just a corporate holiday. Tell me about your girlfriend. View the whole gallery at Guys, this is just…