Soup for sluts product name fail. Weird, it doesn't list a flavor. Maybe that does not matter, after all, it's cheap, fast, and easy! This has to be a gag…
Deer Helper Helps You Make a Great Meal. Since it's actually called Bambi helper, I suppose it's doe helper? Anyway, got venison? Gook it up into a delicious casserole. Save…
Right, so along with pumpkin spice coffee, spare tires, eye drops, now we have to deal with pumpkin spice ramen? That's just so wrong on every level. Amazon Associates Link:…
Ok, pussy pop, I'll try not to state the obvious, like what it tastes like. Easy would be, well, pussy. A bit up the ladder, fish. Pretty much anything you…
The is a poorly named ice cream bar. In 1903, maybe not so much, but now-a-days this funny product, Golden Gaytime, is only a hit in Frisco and Miami I'm…
A can of what? Vulture eggs? Okay, that's not weird or anything. Might be good pickled. Pickled eggs are wonderful, but not sure about these ones. And when you say…
This sign is a, um, lovesickness translation fail, or a funny sign fail? What are they directing people to? Lovesickness carrying pavilion? People are weird. Woof. You need this Stanley…
Pumpkin Spice Bleach, don't you all think this has gone on too long and gone too far? Pumpkin spice tires, grass seed, sneakers, gasoline? Just stop with it, there are…