Scary Moose will you do the fan dangle Freddie didn't sing that - poking fun at Bohemian Rhapsody lyric Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the fandango as scary moose will…
Funny Names - Willie Stroker This is a funny name, Willie Stroker. Not sure what would possess one to bot go with Bill, Will, or William, unless it's, you know,…
Funny Name Kyle Sackrider Well, first of all, Kyle is an unfortunate name, a long list of douches share that name, but a funny name like Kyle Sackrider, you just…
Funny Names - Whet Faartz Funny Names - Whet Faartz - I'm thinking this one's made up, lol. Dr. Whet Faartz has something to say about it all, I'm sure,…