Friday Party Time Friday party time in this Kermit meme. Just kidding, he says while pole dancing, I'll be chilling at home again. Friday IS party time for most! Not…
Casual Friday Done Wrong If showing up in a robe and a tiara with a box of wine is wrong, then maybe I don't fully understand how casual Friday works.…
I Don't Think alcohol rhymes with Friday Image of hot woman (Barbie) with the caption "You know what rhymes with Friday? Alcohol." Funny Friday meme, and so very true. Yet…
Friday - My 2nd Favorite F Word My favorite F word? Frankfurter, but this is a close, this is my 2nd favorite F word - Friday!. Then there's flowers, favorite,…
Finally Friday You can almost see how this kid will look on Friday all growd up. Finally Friday baby picture chilling, he knows this as good as it gets, the…
Friday Finally! It took all week for Friday to get here! Kangaroo chilling with a beer mate. But Budweiser? Seriously? This roo has no taste. At least it's not Bud…
Hello Friday Well, look what decided to finally show up. Hello Friday. Good to see you, at work, or school, its the best day of the week. You're free soon!…
Black Friday - a Humorous Look The Day Wallets Tremble and E-Commerce Refresh Buttons Weep Ah, Black Friday, the most paradoxical holiday of the year! It's the day when our Thanksgiving…