That beer and smoke, put them down, it's bad for you baby! Damage done, after the retort nah, this won't hurt the baby. Flash forward 18 years and a whole…
A Buffalo Superbowl is a fantasy, it simply does not exist! This red dog, another term for a bison calf, asks dad what a superbowl is? Dad says I don't…
How you not know? That's not hiding it. This young man is crossing his arm seemingly unaware that he has a boner going in his swim trunks. I saw something…
Oh my gosh, I remember this like it was yesterday! PE Teachers then and now. One of the girls PE teachers also taught math, and she was an absolute beast!…
Eating salads like this is why I'm so healthy! I eat salad every day, a burger salad, a taco salad, even a pizza salad! Go me! It's all about perspective,…
Redneck crystal for the big shin-dig, like a wedding, or mama's 100th birthday. Nothing better than sipping a Pabst or a Budweiser from the good stuff. Them high falutin city folks…
Did you know that the Church Of The Stunned Chicken is a real place in Florida? Normal church and a happy accident it looks amusingly like a crazy chicken. Now…
Futility demonstrated holding an umbrella in a flood. Thank Gog I brought my umbrella, wouldn't want my hair (or hat) to get wet, this while neck deep in flooded streets.…