Good Work More Work image

Good Work Means More Work

Picard facepalm more work meme, My job has this cool thing where if you do your job very well, you get to do other peoples job too. They still get…
tom brady inflation so high meme

Inflation is so high that

From our archives!- Even Tom Brady is coming back, proof that the inflation is so high unthinkable things are happening! Shoot, among his millions made, he is probably a dollar-aire…
First day of school pics suck image

First day of school pics suck

First day of school pics suck, as this image shows. Better is this man on his 9445th ay of work, shown next to his truck holding his lunch. That is…
work harder hire monkeys work meme image

Work Harder or They Hire Monkeys

Work meme with monkeys in dress shirts and ties captioned "Work Harder. We can always hire monkeys to do your job". I've actually worked in this environment, Gary, a fellow…
tomorrow is monday funny crying girl image

Tomorrow is Monday Once Again

Tomorrow is Monday So true and funny Monday meme, "Tomorrow is Monday, Nooooo!" screams this cute lil lady. I. so. Agree! I don't know anyone who actually likes Mondays. We…