Cute Thursday meme with a baby asking, you mean to tell me it's only Thursday? Just wait until school and work kid, it only gets better and better. Or not.…
Ratchet straps ruined for me, as these are spelled rat shit straps. Not sure what rat shit straps are, maybe really bad ratchet straps. Well, I suppose that some redneck…
For someone, somewhere it's Friday bitches, no matter the day. For me Friday is Friday, but whatever, it's time to let the shenanigans commence! It's too bad not every day…
Redneck Youth Redneck youth picture. Bet you didn't know we had Ron White's baby pictures. Kidding! This is just your generic, red blooded Gen-You-Wine redneck youth, as seen in his natural…
It's Wednesday, not Hump Day says Wednesday Addams. I can't imagine anyone calling her Hump Day. And living. Pugsly for her brother, fine. Yep, classic show, they don't make them…
Tomorrow is Monday So true and funny Monday meme, "Tomorrow is Monday, Nooooo!" screams this cute lil lady. I. so. Agree! I don't know anyone who actually likes Mondays. We…
Aren't you glad Covid is over? Oh, wait, it isn't?!? Was it even real? Because it looks like we'll have a Merry Covid Christmas again this year. Or perhaps not,…
Slap An Idiot Thursday Yay, my second favorite day, Slap an Idiot Thursday! Better than throw back Thursday, this is throw down Thursday, line them up! So very many slaps…