Staying in with netflix image

Nope I’m Staying in with Netflix

Staying in with Netflix. Sorry, I've got my Netflix pants on so I'm in for the night. I thought I was the only one who said this! Apparently not, and…
Cardi B in 40 years image

Cardi B in 40 Years from now

Cardi B in 40 Years Seriously, this is where it is heading, Cardi B in 40 years. Shoot, most folks in 40 years for that matter. Shoot, she may not…
funny unibrow image

Crazy Unibrow Level 1000 – OMG

Unibrow Level 1000 Holy mackerel, this is a serious unibrow! The unibrow level 1000! Pluck much? I can grow a unibrow even better than a beard, but for crying out…
tomorrow is monday funny crying girl image

Tomorrow is Monday Once Again

Tomorrow is Monday So true and funny Monday meme, "Tomorrow is Monday, Nooooo!" screams this cute lil lady. I. so. Agree! I don't know anyone who actually likes Mondays. We…
Funny Best Freddie Mercury Meme

Best Freddie Mercury Meme

Best Freddie Mercury Meme - Use the lifeline! This is maybe the best Freddie Mercury meme ever. Set to Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the Q is, I want.…