The optimist vs pessimist discussion. Well, in this funny meme it's pretty simple. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist, to make sure…
The new years dog resolutions, and impressive list! People can benefit from this list as well. Be nice to nice people. Fart without shame. Yes, I need to be a…
Superhero new years resolutions? Silly things, like Hulk, smash smash smash, Superman to stop making fun of Aquaman. Batman to cuddle more, the usual stuff. These guys are pretty boring,…
Every year I have more respect for my departed parents as I find out about New Years aging, or while aging. T/hat they stayed up so late, remarkable. Yet, I…
This really shouldn't come as a surprise, as it is like something out of My Name is Earl, but still. I'm thinking this redneck Christmas pose was a set up,…
Funny look at all the outrage from the Baby It's Cold Outside Christmas season song. Will Ferrell reporting, a woman has been found frozen to death after being repeatedly warned…
Snowgirl, did you have some work done this winter? I think so, and so does everyone else. This is a cartoon of a snow man girl with large boobs, being…
Crowds of people, waiting days to rush the stores, Black Friday On Sale! they don't know what it is that is on sale, but it's on sale anyway! RUN!! Are…