Funny New Year Resolution image

Funny New Year Resolution

Funny New Year Resolution image of a man in gym clothes, in the gym, eating fast food, his resolution is to go to the gym regularly. Looks like a winner.…
Isis vs Bacon eaters funny image

Isis vs Bacon Eaters – the truth

Meme generator Isis vs Bacon Eaters image of fighting man captioned "Isis? you mean those wussies that don't eat bacon?" Real men eat bacon. This is a truth beyond reproach!…
funny willem defoe willem dafriend image

Willem Dafoe vs Willem Defriend

A funny Willem Dafoe meme image, juxtaposed with Willem Defriend. Didn't know there was such a guy. Didn't he star in Deliverance with Burp Reynolds? I have one of these,…
funny when he thinks about grilling image

Thinks about Grilling 6 Panels

6 panel image Thinks about Grilling what my friends and I, Thinks about Grilling, what my family thinks I do, what neighbors think I do, what vegans think I do,…