Funny New Years Aging - while aging image

New Years Aging Viewpoint

Every year I have more respect for my departed parents as I find out about New Years aging, or while aging. T/hat they stayed up so late, remarkable. Yet, I…
funny santa 364 - explains a lot image

Santa 364 – Explains a Lot

For those of you wondering about Santa 364 days a year, what he does, where does he go, is he a lazy sod, well, wonder no more. That aggravating Swift…
justin being justin lead image

Justin being Justin both versions

I have imported this, Justin being Justin, over from our site (, its original home, since Laughshop is more the site for the funny stuff and YoureOn tends to…
funny new years image says i cannot believe it's been a year and i'm still not a better person

Has Not Happened in a Year

Funny new year Has Not Happened meme, I can't believe it's been a year since I didn't become a better person. How many of you make resolutions, and how many…
Funny New Year Resolution image

Funny New Year Resolution

Funny New Year Resolution image of a man in gym clothes, in the gym, eating fast food, his resolution is to go to the gym regularly. Looks like a winner.…