Poor Chargers Poor chargers don't know what a super bowl is. And they have not gotten better moving North to LA. They could have kept stinking in San Diego. It…
I'm Bringing My Signature Thanksgiving Dish Thanksgiving image that says "I'm bringing my signature thanksgiving dish this year - alcohol and rage." We'll, apparently that must be one of my…
Covid and Stupid We have been fighting two pandemics the last five years, covid and stupid. While covid wanes, stupid seems to be picking up alarming speed. I think the…
Covid Quarantine Babies Covid Quarantine Babies image meme says To those complaining about quarantines your grandparents were call to war, you are called to netflix. Big babies. Put this on…
How to Get Super Black Friday Savings You may be wondering how to maximize your super black Friday savings, well wonder no more. Here is the secret hack! First, check…
I told them I was bringing the turkey and mashed potatoes. Technically I did, for the best thanksgiving ever. Wild Turkey, and vodka. The vodka started life as potatoes, a…
Pot and Cats Pot and Cats - Don't do drugs kids! This meme has a high man holding a opossum, captioned my hobbies are smoking marijuana and rescuing stray cats.…