Who is Momo? What is the Momo challenge? Who started it? Heck if I know, but Billy Idol seems to have gotten into the spirit of things, she cried momomo…
Fondling Fathers Tour Fondling fathers tour image with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton, two American perv presidents on tour together is too true and funny too! 2 pervs 1 plane.…
Hillary Got A Job Today! You go girl, working an actual job, Hillary got a job today! If you work hard and be conscientious, you may make assistant manager one…
Hell Bent Hillary Amidst rumors that Hell Bent Hillary (Hi Larry is more apt) is going to run again, replacing Whack Job Joe, it's time to trot out the Hilarious…
Sunday Already Sunday already? As this meme says, what do you mean it's Sunday? It was Friday 2 hours ago! Yes, weekends go so fast, and weekdays so slowly. The…
From the 2016 election, Bill Clinton Interns, happy and clapping as he realizes if Hillary won, he would get interns again. "I'm back!" He would have been able to get…
Is Bill Clinton Running Again? Bill Clinton running again. I'm almost embarrassed to say, given how sleezy he (and his wife) was, but I'd much rather have old Billy Boy…
You know Bill Cosby loves pudding, and he really loved selling it. Squeaky clean image, yep, but as this Bill Cosby pudding t-shirt makes clear, he loved pudding his dick…