Merry Christmas from Santa on the Beach

Merry Christmas to you!

Hello everyone! I’ve been busy as all get out, and this is the first chance I’ve had since yesterday to get on this site, but there is something I must do, and that is to wish you a Merry Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate this time of year!
It’s a long hard road bring a website back from flat lining, and while I’m confident it can be done, I also realize it is really YOU who do it, you who visit, you who share things and spread the word, just as has always been the last 16+  years at Laughshop. When we weren’t posting, there wasn’t much to share, and when we were things always went wild, as they are now.
So thank you.
We spent time last night, Christmas Eve, with family, and today with close family (with me disappearing now and again, tinkering on our video game websites). I was fortunate enough to once again watch the magic of Christmas manifest through the little one.
Now I’m going to go sip some adult egg nog and relax a little. Or maybe I’ll jot down a movie review, or maybe something else.
At any rate, thank you, and Merry Christmas! May all of you be as lucky as I am.

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