Categories: Funny Blonde Pictures

IDK Blonde – She doesn’t know

IDK Blonde

IDK Blonde. You know, I have seen things like this a few times in person. Sometimes it’s legitimate, both the blonde question and the brunettes frustration, but sometimes the brunettes get bent for no other reason than they are dealing with what is usually a pretty blonde. Years ago I had to service a place where there was a blonde beauty queen, legit, and another girl who was also attractive but brunette. The blonde didn’t care one way or the other what anyone thought of her, and she was always nice to me, but the brunette had nothing but vile hatred for the blonde, saying the blonde was a bad person, mean, only had her job because daddy worked for the company, and so on. I simply shrugged and told her I had not seen for myself any of the things she said were true. The brunette almost never talked to me after that. Anyway, I got off track, this is IDK Blonde, enjoy!

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