Poof! Weekend gone just like that. Friday, off work or school, blink, it's Monday and it all start lover again. This monkey meme is all sorts of accurate. There you…
When you're the reason for the company safety video, featuring Gary Busey. Can you say Buttered Sausage? He hates what they do with buttered sausage. And don't ask him about…
Gee Dub is back with a new gig! Yep, rapper Gee Dub still isn't going quietly into the sunset. Here we thought he'd disappear into anonymity doing weird stuff, like…
Funny Wednesday image says Wine Wednesday - It's like Taco Tuesday for moms. And don't forget the humping! Maybe that causes throw up Thursday? So tip that win glass back…
Work meme where you have neither time nor crayons let alone energy to explain something. More precisely, I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.…
Funny Thursday image. This child is so mean! Sitting there all "Ha Ha Ha, it's not Friday, it's only Thursday!" Thursday is a tease. Kid, you'll find out soon enough.…
I expect to have a really active retirement putting for anal use only stickers on virtually everything. Think of the fun and frivolity at the supermarket, bananas, cucumbers, auto parts…