Funny sign warning speeders of police presence in the area proves to be right on the money. I’ve read that in a lot of places, various municipalities, this is illegal, warning about a speed trap ahead or about a checkpoint. I’ve never investigated the laws on this, but I have watched as local motorists decide to make a U turn or turn onto before a checkpoint get chased down and pulled over by forward stationed officers, who have made the assumption that said turn, legal or illegal, is an admission of guilt, probably cause due to an attempt to hide wrongdoing. On the other hand are the voices that say, If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. However, I have been caught up in checkpoints while working or on my way to work, and they are a pain in the butt due to the delay factor. In this picture motorists are forewarned, and correctly so. Personally I’m not too much a fan of officers lying in wait, because I’ve have experienced enough cases of “Why were you speeding? “Because I didn’t see you”.
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