A perfectly timed baseball fail. Ouch! Talk about a swing and a miss, how the heck did that happen? His ancestors felt that one! Wrong ball to be hitting! Cuisinart…
It is rumored that the headline above, Biden Next Jake Paul Fight, is not true, that Jake first has to overcome Jimmy Carter, below. I don't know about you but…
I watched it live, did you? The fight was lame, I mean come on, waste of time. The ladies fight was WAY better! The the Paul Tyson fight Netflix servers…
Poor chargers don't know what a super bowl is. And they have not gotten better moving North to LA. They could have kept stinking in San Diego. It would be…
Da Biggest Loser Bears. When was the last time they were good? This funny Chicago Bears meme says "I set my DVR for The Biggest Loser" and it keeps recording…
We grew up with jungle gyms, monkey bars, teeter totters, and round carousel wheels of death. If we fell, we fell in sand. Maybe. Kids are soft today. They have…
First lady refs in the NFL funny image says they throw flags for stuff that happened years ago. Well, she is throwing a flag. Maybe it's only a couple plays…
Funny super bowl distraction, image girl leaning down, chi chis dangling in shirt, captions move, your head is in the way of the game. I can see where this would distract.…
Funny prison soccer image the positions are funny be themselves, but the guy in the background, his expression is priceless! The rules are slightly...different. So, if you go there, don't…