Is there Adult Trick Or Treat?

1 month ago

Adult Trick Or Treat Adult Trick Or Treat? The kids bob for apples, or used to. They get bags of… Read More

If the 2020’s was a canoe trip

1 month ago

If the 2020's was a canoe trip If the 2020's was a canoe trip, what movie would they be most… Read More

Not Stuffy There at the Fun Home

1 month ago

Not stuffy there Can't have a funeral without fun. It's not stuffy there! Your beloved so and so passes away,… Read More

Me and Air Conditioning – I Love my AC

1 month ago

Me and Air Conditioning - I Love my AC Me and Air Conditioning - Friends: So what are your plans… Read More

Me and Haircuts -need – good – scary

1 month ago

Me and Haircuts This is so me and haircuts. As a matter of fact, right now I so need one,… Read More

Best Ever Social Distancing Mask

1 month ago

Social Distancing Mask Well, this social distancing mask will certainly drive people away from you! Unlike the one at Amazon… Read More

You want a six pack or keg?

1 month ago

Six pack or keg Six pack or keg? Picture of a beer belly asks, why go for a six pack… Read More

Chuck Norris Checkmate

1 month ago

Chuck Norris Checkmate You don't mess with board games or the mat, or in the streets when it comes to… Read More

Grammar Nazi Changing Lightbulbs

1 month ago

Grammar Nazi Changing Lightbubs The grammar nazi meme itself is incorrect. How many grammar nazis does it take to change… Read More

Lovesickness Translation Fail

1 month ago

Lovesickness Translation Fail This sign is a, um, lovesickness translation fail, or a funny sign fail? What are they directing… Read More

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