Awkward Redneck Family Christmas Photo - Mama's Family? Right, so if this awkward redneck family Christmas photo doesn't give you the willies, then something is wrong with you, you're clearly…
Redneck Jokes, issue 1 This is our first redneck jokes collection. We're not sure if we will do a second or third issue, because while funny, rednecks really do lend…
New secret service director So with all hub bub out of the Pennsylvania Trump attempt, if y'all gonna just stay with the status quo, well, this could well by the…
Kidnap? He prefers the term surprise adoption If this doesn't look like the most apt and inept kidnapper ever. Kidnapping is nothing to make light of ordinarily, but surprise adoption?…
Jekyll Redneck Christmas Stout Well I'll be dogged, here we have a product called Jekyll Redneck Christmas Stout, so your inner redneck can be sated. Beer, like it oughtta be.…
Burn Baby Burn Sign - Naked Fire Sign? Burn baby burn sign. What is a naked fire sign all about? Translated signs can be funny as hell, because when it's…
Tonight Show Fallon Timberlake Camp Winnipesaukee This is a funny skit in which Justin Timberlake joins Jimmy Fallon on stage as awkward teens away at camp. I really had my…
Funny Animal Hospital Sign This funny animal hospital sign is more or less the truth, neutering your pet will make them less nuts, and nut-less. Controlling pet populations, ok, but…
Funny Name Harold Ballitch MD When it comes for funny names, Laughshop has you covered. Here we have on, funny name Harold Ballitch, MD. So, Harry Ballitch, that applies too.…
Well, except the fact that the box would be Pabst Blue Ribbon or regular Budweiser, this is a redneck Christmas gift alright. Hey, when the family is on EBT or…