Two Minutes Normal – Worst 2 Minutes

March 5, 2019 by No Comments

Two Minutes Normal

Two minutes normal? I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life. Oh, I so get it. Drab, walls closing in, no hope in sight, ARGH!

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The Great Normal Experiment: A Two-Minute Fiasco

In a world obsessed with labels and checklists, one brave soul dared to venture into the land of the ordinary. His journey, however, was short-lived. This intrepid explorer of life’s vast possibilities attempted what many consider impossible: to become the epitome of “normal” for a full two minutes. It was, in his own words, “the worst two minutes” of his life.

The Normalcy Challenge

Normal. The word itself is as bland as unsalted crackers at a diet convention. Our hero, let’s call him Wild-Eyed Willy, took on the Herculean task of blending into the beige wallpaper of society. His quest was to embody the very essence of mundanity.

  • The Countdown to Conformity: Willy, a man whose eyebrows alone have more stories than a seasoned librarian, faced the mirror with a comb in one hand and a look of grim determination in the other. His hair, usually as wild as a feral cat in a wind tunnel, was slicked down to achieve the aerodynamic look of a respectable tax accountant.
  • The Mundane Makeover: For a man accustomed to attire that screams “circus runaway,” donning a plain shirt without a single flamboyant stripe was akin to wearing a straightjacket. His usual pants, which had more patches than a quilt at grandma’s house, were traded for nondescript trousers that whispered, “I’ve filed every tax return on time.”
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The Longest 120 Seconds

As the clock ticked, Wild-Eyed Willy’s soul rebelled against every tick of normality. For him, a man who danced to the beat of his own off-key tuba, these moments felt like an eternity in a waiting room with nothing but outdated magazines for company.

  • The Struggle Within: As Willy sat motionless, resisting the urge to burst into spontaneous song or rearrange his living room furniture into a makeshift fort, he realized that normalcy was his Kryptonite.
  • The Snap Back to Reality: At one minute and fifty-nine seconds, Willy’s eyes began to twitch. At two minutes, the charade shattered like a piñata at a children’s party. Normalcy was expelled from his system with the force of a sneeze in allergy season.

The Aftermath: Celebrating the Abnormal

In the aftermath of the normalcy experiment, Wild-Eyed Willy emerged more himself than ever. He embraced his quirky charm with the fervor of a toddler hugging a new puppy. Willy’s foray into the mundane was over, but his story became a legend, a beacon of hope for every oddball and eccentric who’s ever felt the pressure to fit the mold.

  • The Moral of the Story: If you’re a square peg in a world full of round holes, don’t bother shaving down your edges. You weren’t meant to fit; you were meant to stand out.
  • The Celebration of Self: In the end, Wild-Eyed Willy’s tale is a triumph, a glorious anthem for the misfits and the madcaps. His two-minute journey into normalcy serves as a reminder: Why be normal when you can be extraordinary?

So, here’s to Wild-Eyed Willy and all the wonderfully weird characters out there. May your lives be too fabulous for just two minutes of normal, and may you never find the allure of the ordinary. After all, why walk when you can cartwheel through life with style?


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♬ Oh Yeah – Ferris Bueller

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