Always Confirm When Jesus Texts

December 27, 2014 by 1 Comment

Always confirm. Baptist Sign Says Confirm or Ignore

Confirm, always confirm. The baptists many times have the best signs. Then you walk in and boom, fire and brimstone. If that’s your thing, great, but me, I’ll still like the signs.

These signs make me wonder how effective they are in getting people in the door. Not funny signs in general, they are effective, but funny signs on Baptist churches. Baptists are know for their fire and brimstone, everyone is going to hell approach, so repent not and be saved, it is fiery, and all well and fine for them. But when I see their signs, though I may laugh because they are funny, I also think in the back of my head, “Nice try. I know you guys, it’s not all laughs and giggles once you’re in there.”

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